What are the visual trends of 2018?
Augmented reality: nowadays it is essential to overcome the gap between reality and virtuality. The latest commercial launched by Apple is an
example of this exigency. We crave immersive experiences, we need technology to be one with our humanity.
Movement: seize the fleeting moment. According to Getty Images this is the main trend to follow in 2018 when it comes to visual storytelling.
Meditation: just like Virginia Woolf who was looking for “A room of one’s own”, we need solitude and silence in order to regain a sense of deep
contact with ourselves, possibly into the wild.
Touch: as paradoxical as it may seem, the visual solution to compensate for the time that we have spent touching a screen is itself tactile.
What does it mean? Artists are thinking of a way to recreate the tactile experience through connections and textures and trying to establish a
bold and personal contact with the viewer.